Hello! Welcome to my blog.

Date: 06/08/2023

State of Exploding: Not Exploding (Yet.)

I decided to reread The Notebook trilogy today. You know, the books that inspired Mother 3. And now I'm sad. I feel like they aren't really discussed enough when talking about the game because not many people are willing to read it, especially when it's decently long and quite disturbing, for being what would come to inspire a Nintendo game, of all things.

I don't read enough, to be honest, and I feel like I should. I play alot of games, and I read alot of manga, but I feel like books are able to illustrate stories in such a beautiful way, and I don't give them enough love. They're so awesome. I'd really reccomend reading The Notebook Trilogy. (Also, it's not that stupid romance movie! I was talking about it with a friend the other day and they thought it was that!)

Also, I made myself a pasta bake for lunch. It's really weird living alone because you have to do things like making pasta bakes for lunches.

Date: 06/08/2023

Mood: Tired :(

Woo! My first blog post! Let's see how this goes! :D

When I first set out to make a blog, I wasn't really sure what I even had in mind to post. I sort of just knew I wanted a little space to myself, to discuss whatever I want-- With how social media is constantly changing and by all means just getting worse, I figured it'd be nice to make a website I could rely on, my space, my little zone. It's quite cosy, even if alot of work still needs to be done. I quite like having a blog. I wish they didn't go so out of fashion... They're so much more fun and customizable, with just a little knowledge of HTML you can really make a little space that's so authentically you... That's really cool, to me.

In general, new social media sucks. But that's a rant for another day.

Why don't I talk about myself for a little? Hi! I... I like Earthbound. That's all I've really got to say.

Generally, that's all I'll even be using this blog for, talking about Earthbound. Because I always have too much to say, and I never wanna annoy my friends with it all. I suppose it's nice to have a space to ramble...!

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